Pengalaman di Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor a.k.a KMS Part #2

So Long I'm resting and here I am to throwback hahaha oh well, I've been quite busy since I'm working now... Well, you know, I miss matriculation life so much...Because, they are so kind to me and never make me sad, okay tipu sad je tapiiiii they are like so appreciating one it kinda nice ❤️❤️❤️
Thinking back, they are so many thinks to laugh about.... From the first, I didn't want to masuk KMS and whatsoever.. yeah because EGO TINGGI.. BERLAGAK... Okay whatever and here.. I just wanna share how nice matriculation life...

* Okay here are the peoples from BASIS, okay believe us, neither one from us nak masuk sini..yeah.. itulah takdir, 3 of them are straight A's students*

*My girls*

They are the one yang selalu macam jumpa lepas habis exam or cuti sem just for photograph session hahahahha.. Tapi dengan girls lainlah selalu jumpa borak makan whatsoever.... Percaya tak kitorang takdelah rapat mana before ni, kenal tu kenal, rapat tu rapat but not as close as now... 
That's the beauty of takdir guys...

okay cuts to the chase, let's go to the funniest thing in my life and the most eye opening moment for me...

Okay kat sini kan guys, lecturers are very helpful.. Most of them akan tolong kita even kita macam down gila subjek tu like seriously they will help us tapi mestilah you sendiri kena tolong diri you nak berjaya...
And if you macam jenis yang memang rapat dengan cikgu, yeah the same thing will happen here... Plus, kalau lecturer jenis yang sporting hahahha
Well same goes to me, For me, a relationship with any elder person than you is important.. Daripada parents you, cikgu you and lecturer.. We should take care their feelings barulah dapat restu hidup ni..

First Story
Okay guys, do you know how hate I am towards Chemistry? Ugh like everything guyssss.. So, expect macam mana kat matriks dulu mesti down gilalah.. Dahlah result hurmmmm
Moreover, my lecturer was like... "Okay, dalam kuliah ni, hanya saya je yang bercakap, lecture is one way communication" 
Okay time tu macam whatever lah sir... 
First tutorial dengan dia, FUHH TERUS SURUH BUAT BUKU TUTORIAL, KO RASA MENANGIS AKU TAK DAPAT JAWAB, FYI, I Study tapi tak faham, siap tanya cikgu Jamilah lagi...
Lepas tu, dalam kelas pun mesti dia macam susah gila nak explain hurm and always panggil orang sama je, What? Nazri, Nazri like no other else.. okay adalah jugak yang lain... Like BABEEEE, I siap kerja tapi dia macam tak hairan pun.. 
Lepas tu lagilah, aku memang fed up tak siapkan kerja tutorial, memang buat time tutorial baru buat tu (bukan aku je MOSTLY HAHAHAHAH)
Tak percaya tanyalah budak kelas aku HAHAHAHAH
Pastu aku cam syak sir benci aku gila punya gila sampai tahap aku nak confession tuh, nasib tak buat huuhhuuu...

*Plot Twist*

One Day tu, kitorang kena memantau dengan lecturer for sir lah, then kena ala yang tulis komen tu... and I was like.. Okay dia ajar best sebenarnya tapi dia cam tak bagi chance kat orang lain nak jawab.. Then, I wrote lebih kurang camtulah...

The next class beb, tetiba dia panggil aku jawab soalan HAHAHAHHA WEYHHH KO RASAAA AKU HAPPYNYA Masyallah rasa nak menjerit dah ahh senyum beb panggil nama aku, siapa je tak cair... Then, aku jenis apa dia cakap tu memang sebijik sebijik au aku salin hahahha tak naklah derhaka.. Then, dia cam ha betul.. okay sejak tu dia cam Farah tak nak try... Pandang pandang bagai LOL ahahahah okaylah dia ni jenis kau kena appreciate tu baru dia rasa happy nak mengajar.. Lepastu, dia tak habis habis bagi harapan kat kelas aku... Sayang jugaklah especially time dia pergi Philiphine tu ahhaha comel je ws gambar dia kat kelas kitorang aahahahah

Takkan lupa sir yang paling bersemangat dalam diam and his words cam meaningful and deep gila...Sayang Sir! ahhaha

Ngeh ngehhh dia pakai baju I bagi huhu

*Will continue soon*

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  1. goodluck. semoga berjaya dlm akademik :)

    Jemput join segmen ejulz jika belum join :)

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